Shop / Mountain Bike / Compare
- AM927
- AM928
- AM930
- AM930S
- AM930S flyweight
- AM933
- AM935
- EN928
- EN932
- EN933
- RM29C06
- RM29C06 flyweight
- RM29C07
- RM29C07 Enduro
- RM29C15
- RM29C19
- XC924
- XC925
- XC925 flyweight
- XC930
- AM927
- AM928
- AM930
- AM930S
- AM930S flyweight
- AM933
- AM935
- EN928
- EN932
- EN933
- RM29C06
- RM29C06 flyweight
- RM29C07
- RM29C07 Enduro
- RM29C15
- RM29C19
- XC924
- XC925
- XC925 flyweight
- XC930
- AM927
- AM928
- AM930
- AM930S
- AM930S flyweight
- AM933
- AM935
- EN928
- EN932
- EN933
- RM29C06
- RM29C06 flyweight
- RM29C07
- RM29C07 Enduro
- RM29C15
- RM29C19
- XC924
- XC925
- XC925 flyweight
- XC930
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The number of the property is not on a certain scale, please focus on the comparison, not the number itself.
Impact - A measurement of the mtb bike rims ability to absorb large impacts. Higher numbers mean the rim can handle larger impacts.
Side Stiffness - Higher number means more side to side stiffness. Heavier and more aggressive riders often prefer stiffer rims.
Vertical Stiffness - Higher number means more vertical (up and down) stiffness. Stiffer rims are more predictable and pop out of corners faster. Rims with less stiffness follow the terrain and feel more traditional.
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